Freitag, 13. Mai 2016

Wow, What A Week: Football, Gotham, & Gigs!

Last weekend, I thought I would join in a friendly, casual game of flag football.  (Psh, you know where this is going!  I should've stuck to basketball! :/ )

Anyways, my friends convinced me and I went along.  I decided to play rusher, as I am smaller and have decent strength so why the hell not?  Well, the other team's qb decided to dump the ball to the guard and as I was rushing and then getting ready to grab the guard's flag, he turned around, elbows out, and knocked me out.

My nose was bleeding.  Gah.

But I have to say, both the girls and the guys were very concerned.  They helped me up and took care of me... and made sure I stopped bleeding.  Very good sense of community, amazing athletes for "just having fun", I gotta say.

Maybe I will go & check out thank you card template & send something their way.  I have been looking for a fun sports community for a long, long time and I think I'll go back tomorrow and see if I can join their league.  Hopefully it's not too late?

Other than that, in my spare time, caught up with Gotham.  I was super skeptical about this show but wow... past episode 4, my mind was blown.  I was terrified when Fish Mooney ends up on that island... I told my friends no spoilers but hey, this is MY space and I can say whatever the hell I want ;)  The experiments that the doctor performs... her eye.  Crazy.

I've also been doing well with my freelancing gigs and I actually have three on-going ones so that means I'm doing really good for now.  I'd like to officially name my business but need to put a lot of thought into it... gah, anyways.  I love expressing myself on here so why don't I do it more often?  Ha!

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